Red Faction USA

The Ultor Corporation of Mars is successful because of the mineral wealth of that planet. It employs a number of miners and scientists to mine the Noachite ores far underground. The miners are constantly pressured by the guards to work harder and faster, while at the same time being forced to share their meager resources. While the mines itself are dangerous, so too is the mysterious plague that has broken out among the ranks of miners, killing many. Into this low morale situation, propaganda against Ultor has begun appearing, signed only by 'Eos'. These pamphlets and posters urge the miners to rise up against their oppressors and take a stand, also recruiting members into their secretive 'Red Faction'. As a result of Eos' efforts, tensions are rising high between the Ultor corporation and it's workers, any little incident could ignite...

Release Month:5
Release Year:2001
Developer:Volition, Inc